In this component we seek, through workshops and training, to increase knowledge, skills and abilities in girls, boys and adolescents (NNA) as well as in protective figures to prevent risks of child sexual abuse (ASI) and that in a situation of ASI, They can discuss it with a protective figure, and in turn, the protective figures can act in a timely manner.
team training
Thanks to the support of our allies, it was possible for Fundación PAS to help us train our work team to be able to:
- Understand the general panorama of ASI in Mexico.
- Acquire tools for the prevention of ASI.
- Acquire tools for the detection of ASI.
- Acquire tools for ASI evaluation.
- ASI multidisciplinary care.
- Legal mechanisms to protect victims.
- Crisis care.
- Advice on the creation and development of ASI prevention workshops aimed at different populations.
- Creation of institutional care protocols.
- We participated in the ILEF "Prevention and Care of Family Violence" Diploma, which provided us with theoretical-clinical tools for the detection, channeling and/or therapeutic treatment of people in situations of ASI, from a systemic, gender, human rights and diversity.
Training of key actors
Provide awareness and training workshops on the problem of ASI to various strategic actors (teachers, local authorities, members of CSOs, key community actors) to generate an alliance and common language that allow effectively addressing the prevention and care of ASI cases in Malinalco.
- We have trained 50 people from 14 institutions with different specialties, approaches and lines of business.
- The 80% of the participants have increased their knowledge on issues related to the detection and prevention of ASI.
- The 100% of the participants consider that:
- The process provided them with truthful and relevant information about the ASI.
- There is truthful, relevant and accessible information about the ASI in Malinalco.
- Thanks to this training, there are already tools and a common language in Malinalco among the key actors in the community to address the prevention and care of ASI.
ASI prevention workshops for girls, boys and adolescents
Through these workshops we seek to strengthen the knowledge, tools, and skills in children and adolescents focused on self-knowledge, self-care, and protection, to reduce the vulnerability of ASI and act appropriately if a case were to occur.
- We have implemented 7 workshops in Malinalco.
- 76 girls, boys and adolescents have participated.
- The 100% of the people who have participated have increased their knowledge on the subject of ASI.
- The areas in which their knowledge and skills have increased the most is in: identification of emotions, identification and response to dangerous situations, good and bad secrets and trusted people.
ASI prevention workshops for protective figures
Through these workshops we seek to enhance skills, strategies and tools, so that protective figures acquire the necessary skills for the effective prevention of child sexual abuse, reduce the vulnerability of children and adolescents to ASI and that they can act appropriately if an incident occurs. case.
- We have given 5 workshops held in 4 different institutions in Malinalco.
- 84 protective figures (mothers, parents and teachers) have participated.
- The 100% of the people who have participated have increased their knowledge on the subject of ASI.
- “It is extremely important to have the necessary tools to protect the health and safety of our girls.”
- "I love how they provide us with information and make us feel, think, analyze and deepen it."