
In this component we look for, fStrengthen the capacities in the community to detect, prevent and address child sexual abuse (ASI) in Malinalco, and thus ensure the right of children and young people to a life free of violence. Specifically we seek thatThe girls, boys and adolescents of the community  1) know the situations that put them at risk of ASI, and know how to prevent and 2) that if they experience a situation of abuse they are able to tell an adult about it. We also work so that protective figures (moms, dads, educators, etc.) achieve 
1) identify ASI risk situations and know how to prevent them 
2) respond appropriately when children report abuse.

Comunication for the development

Communication for development refers to communication strategies that are applied with the aim of improving people's living conditions and bringing about social changes. Through our campaign "ASI we don't play" we seek to strengthen the capacities in the community to detect, prevent and attend to ASI in Malinalco. 



Design and assembly of 3 street murals in public spaces in Malinalco.


We put up posters throughout the town related to the first stage of the campaign.

public opening

With the participation of authorities, the media, other CSOs and more than 200 people from the community.

Spokespersons Network

Our objective was to form a group of women interested in caring for the well-being and health of children and adolescents in Malinalco so that they act as a protection network before the ASI, becoming trusted references for them, listening to them and protecting themselves from dangerous situations, and to their time, that they can offer them tools (either information or channeling) in case they are victims of abuse. 

  • Training of 10 women for the Red de Voceras.
  • Graduation of the Voceras through a ceremony.
  • First event held and convened by spokespersons to disseminate ASI prevention messages with women from their community and networks. 
What remains to be done
  • Creation of 5 new networks in different parts of the Municipality (away from the municipal seat where the first network was created).
  • Research (analysis of egocentric networks) to understand the process of dissemination of key messages and explore to what extent they became entry points to address issues related to ASI.