About us?

At Imaginalco we exist so that girls, boys, adolescents and young people in situations of social exclusion can choose a life they value, free of violence and in the full exercise of their rights. We broaden their tools, strengthen their skills and favor their access to opportunities for development, through personalized support that responds to their needs and interests and that allows us to work with their families and their community.

Why do we work on Child Sexual Abuse (ASI) issues?

Based on contact and presence since 2012 in the Malinalco community, we detected a very high rate of incidence of child sexual abuse in the population with which we work. Up to 85% of the girls and adolescent women close to our programs acknowledged living or having experienced some type of sexual abuse at least once in their lives. 

Child sexual abuse worries us because it profoundly violates the rights of girls and boys to live free of violence and to develop fully. The people and institutions that collaborate in Imaginalco or that have joined this effort as allies, have decided to act strategically in the face of this problem in order to fulfill the most important function that we have as a society: to take care of each other, and especially the more vulnerable. 

For this reason, since 2018 we began to explore ways to protect girls and boys from sexual abuse. In 2020 we changed from a reactive approach to a specific proposal to prevent the problem, reduce the incidence and address the impacts. We seek alliances with strategic actors, to design and implement a comprehensive strategy that effectively addresses different aspects of the issue.