Milestones as of January: ASI No Jugamos

Te platicamos lo que hemos logrado hasta ahora en nuestro programa de prevención, detección y atención del abuso sexual infantil en Malinalco.
We tell you what we have achieved so far in our program for the prevention, detection and care of child sexual abuse in Malinalco.

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We tell you what we have achieved so far in our program for the prevention, detection and care of child sexual abuse in Malinalco.

We start with the community communication campaign!

The girls, boys, adolescents and young people were part of the beginning of the campaign because in the month of November we went out to the streets to place the first stage of posters in the most recurrent areas of Malinalco, as a first strategy to generate conversation around the theme. We place 50 posters in strategic places in the area.

We continue with the delivery of prevention workshops to primary school girls and boys, in whom an increase in their knowledge regarding their body, emotions, child sexual abuse and consent was achieved. For example, before the workshop the 19% of the participants knew what sexual abuse is, but at the end of the workshop the 56% knew and was able to explain it in his own words. We have a total of 46 boys and girls who receive the workshopLet's go for more this year!

we had our first session of the Network of Allies for the prevention of child sexual abuse and it was a success. 18 women participated! This month we will have the next meeting and we will open the doors for more allies to join to be spokespersons for the issue and to be able to detect and channel cases of abuse.

Finally, we activate our hotline and we continue to provide therapeutic accompaniment girls and boys who have experienced sexual abuse.

Gracias a ti podemos seguir con nuestro proyecto y así proteger a niñas, niños y adolescentes de Malinalco. Si quieres donar a nuestra campaña, por favor ponte en contacto con nosotros o haz clic en el botón de abajo.

Thanks to you we can continue with our project and thus protect children and adolescents from Malinalco. If you would like to donate to our campaign, please contact us or click the button below.

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