Fundraising campaign for the prevention of Child Sexual Abuse (CSA)

¡Ayúdanos a conseguir los fondos necesarios para llevar a cabo nuestro programa de prevención, detección y atención del abuso sexual infantil a través Global Giving, la plataforma de fondeo colectivo más grande del mundo!
Help us get the necessary funds to carry out our program for the prevention, detection and care of child sexual abuse through Global Giving, the largest collective funding platform in the world!

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Help us raise the necessary funds to carry out our child sexual abuse prevention, detection and care program through Global Giving, the world's largest crowdfunding platform!

What is the problem?

In Mexico, one in four girls and one in six boys has suffered sexual abuse. In Malinalco, a small town in rural Mexico, one in 3 adolescents admits that they experience or have experienced some type of sexual abuse at least once in their lives. It is evident that the right to a life free of violence for children and adolescents is rarely enjoyed.

ASI no jugamos is a project that will break down the barriers of silence in Malinalco, a rural municipality in Mexico, so that child sexual abuse is talked about, skills are developed to prevent it, and children and their caregivers can respond to it.

To carry out our campaign to prevent child sexual abuse in Malinalco, we seek to raise $400,000 mx

With your contribution we can...

  • Implement prevention workshops for 200 primary and secondary school boys and girls in Malinalco, Edo. Mexico.
  • Create a network of local spokespersons. People who can detect and channel cases of child sexual abuse ASI.
  • Launch a communication campaign Raise awareness about the problem and remove the taboo.
  • Systematize and share the experience. Disseminate learning tools with organizations and communities.

We need allies to help us reach (and exceed!) our fundraising goal.

Enter to and make your donation!

We need allies to help us reach (and exceed!) our fundraising goal of $400,000 pesos.

Your donation, even if it is small, makes a difference.

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