Just as ants collect what others leave aside, we collect disused plastic.
Through a youth employment training model, we transform it into mosaics that become works of art, in collaboration with designers and artists. With this, we seek to promote access to decent work for these young people, favor the recycling of plastic to mitigate its negative impact on the environment, and contribute to the financial sustainability of Imaginalco.
2021 was a very positive year for this enterprise, as we had the graduation of our first generation of young people trained in Xoloplastics. Paz, Valeria, Cristóbal, Agustín and Daniel spent 8 months training. Vanesa and Miriam joined after graduation, what we call the “middle generation”. These 7 young people had mentorships in computing, arithmetic, marketing, design, use of machinery and plastic processing, as well as meditation, carpentry and design workshops. There were more than 200 hours of learning through the "make thinking visible" methodology, which translates into the development of skills for employability, such as knowing processes and maintaining work routines, developing discipline, self-knowledge, communication assertiveness and decision making Three of these continue in a second training period with us, and the rest leave with new tools to enter the world of work successfully.
The year was also positive in terms of our ability to make alliances and create collaboration, as we collaborated with 23 artists who participated in “Xololienzos” to create unique works of art. With this, we organized an auction, with more than 160 attendees, in which we exhibited XX pieces and sold 16. The event was incredible, as it highlighted the potential of the project and motivated us to continue promoting it.
In addition, we established an alliance with the National Association of Plastic Industries (Anipac), which allowed us to make the project visible as well as spread the importance of reducing waste plastic and increasing its recycling.
Due to the enormous potential that Xoloplastics has, we were selected as one of the eight ventures for the Make Sense Promotion Program, in which they provided us with advice and support to grow as a venture.
Finally, from one of our main allies, we received the United Fund Award for "Entrepreneurship of the Year", which fills us with pride.
Are you interested in Xoloplastics? Do you want to join? You know more about us!
young people got a job, became professionalized and became aware of the importance of recycling plastic
kilos of plastic were recovered from the rivers and streets of Malinalco and transformed into works of art.
art pieces made with recycled plastic we sold in 2021.
Interesting data
70% from the Xoloplastics direct team are volunteers
The alliances we formed were a key factor in our success in 2021, we worked with:
24 artists
4 organizations
9 companies
2 universities
9 social service students
4 art galleries
1 museum
We participate in a promotion program with Make Sense Mexico.
During 2022, we will continue working on consolidating our impact model, increasing our key alliances, systematizing our processes and increasing sales.
"Being part of Xoloplastics has helped me to be more aware of pollution in the streets and rivers, and now every time I see a discarded plastic I collect it and save it to take it to the workshop... I am very proud to be part of Xoloplastics because I I feel part of a change in the community."
Christopher Hernandez, 21

Thank you for helping us make this program possible!